Katarína Dubovská, Benedikt Leonhardt, Adrian Sauer: 5014/ 4010/ 9011
19 September – 24 October 2020

Photo: Stefan Fischer

Photo: Stefan Fischer

Photo: Stefan Fischer

Photo: Stefan Fischer

Photo: Stefan Fischer

Photo: Stefan Fischer
Three artists* deal in different ways with digital images as the basis of the visual present. Between a photograph and their respective artistic works is a process of transformation and translation.
Katarína Dubovská works with photographic prints, which she breaks down into their components such as light, color and carrier material. Benedikt Leonhardt quotes short-lived monitor images and transfers them to the durable medium of the canvas. The results are non-representational paintings that seem to be digitally backlit. Adrian Sauer’s central field of work is in analytical photography. With his pictures – and currently objects – he investigates the border between science, technology and pictorial testimony, or rather the visualization of these edges of representation.
All positions are connected by the approach of developing abstract poetry from virtual sources. Our increasingly digitalized perception of reality is critically examined and at the same time atmospherically experienced. In addition to the digital image as source, the specific handling of color values, which can be assigned to a precise system through unique numbers, is another common feature: 5014 – dove blue; 4010 – telemagenta; 9011 – graphite black.
Katarína Dubovská (*1989 in Ružomberok, Slovakia) lives and works in Leipzig. Since 2018 she has been a Meisterschülerin (post graduated studies) of Prof. Peggy Buth at the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB), Leipzig.
2018: Award of the art prize of the Baustelle-Schaustelle, Essen
2019: Scholarship at the Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop + shortlist for the DZ-BANK Art Prize
2020: Vulnerable subjects. ZAK- Center for Contemporary Art, Berlin
Benedikt Leonhardt (*1984 in Leipzig) lives and works in Leipzig. He studied from 2007 – 2014 with Astrid Klein at the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) Leipzig.
2017: Awarded the LVZ Art Prize, accompanied by a solo exhibition at the Museum der bildenden Künste (MdbK), Leipzig
2019/2020: Part of “Jetzt. Junge Malerei in Deutschland” Exhibition at Kunstmuseum Bonn, Museum Wiesbaden, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz and Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Adrian Sauer (*1976 in East Berlin) lives and works in Leipzig. From 1997 – 2003 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) Leipzig with Timm Rautert. Adrian Sauer is represented with his works in numerous museums and collections in Germany and abroad.
In 2013 he received the Casa Baldi Scholarship of the German Academy of Rome.
2019: “!About the language of photography – A possibility.” Sanaa Building, Essen.
2020: “Clouds in contemporary art.” Oldenburg Art Association